Basic Information
STEO is a non-governmental organization associating operators of Waste to Energy (WtE) plants in the Czech Republic. It was established according to the Act No. 83/1990 Coll. on grouping of citizens on November 30, 1998 and registered with the Ministry of Internal Affairs on December 28, 1998 under the file no. VS/1-1/38515/98-R.
Ecological recovery of waste is understood as the material recycling followed by power generation from waste (waste to energy).
While the volume and the quality of the material recycled from waste are limited, e.g. due to market absorption capability, such limiting conditions do not exist for the energy produced from waste.
WtE plants substitute energy generated in conventional power plants exploiting fossil fuels. In this manner the primary natural resources are saved. Modern WtE plants also contribute to reduction of CO2 emissions and to air quality. WtE plants are one of the cleanest energy power sources at all.
This means that waste to energy has an important role of maintaining the sustainable development of waste management system – through flexible substitutions of non-renewable energy resources.
The members of STEO are private persons or commercial enterprises committed to Waste to Energy development and progress.
Association Structure
General Assembly
See list of members.
Supervisory Board
Pavel Bernát, MSc
Ing. Karel Hlaváček
FCC Česká republika, s.r.o.
Jana Suzová, DSc
SAKO Brno, a.s.
Executive Board
Jakub Vojta, BBS
Aleš Bláha, PhD, MSc
vice chairman
Pražské služby, a.s.
Ing. Petr Mareš
vice chairman
EVO Komořany, a.s.
Jaroslav Hyžík, Prof., PhD, MSc
E.I.C. spol. s r.o.
Ing. Rostislav Findejs
AVE CZ, odpadové hospodářství s.r.o.